Core Business Services
In addition to representing the Burdekin sugar industry at various meetings of industry and productivity services, BPS provides the following services to the Burdekin agricultural community.
Advice on all aspects of sugarcane production
- Planting
- Weed management
- Disease management
- Pest Management
- Irrigation – test pH & conductivity of water
- Fallow Management & Soil health
- Pump efficiency including testing of pump flow rates and energy usage
- Harvesting practice
- Record keeping database
- Productivity data maintenance, analysis, and reporting
- Physically visit each grower once per year to collect crop data information to improve profitability, productivity and sustainability
- Produce other productivity/pest reports on demand
- General agronomic support on all aspects of production
Pest & Disease management operations
- Plant source inspection
- Sampling for RSD
- Maintain hot water treatment (HWT) and cold soak facilities
- HWT plants for growers (where required)
- Annual aerial survey for cane grub damage
- Feral pig management via helicopter shoots and fencing subsidy
- Wallaby fencing subsidy
- Rat damage monitoring
- Machinery inspections and sterilisation of machinery and equipment
Variety distribution and information
Propagate stocks of advanced varieties and distribute to growers when they are released this is achieved via:
- 2 Isolation plots (New Varieties)
- 3 Mother plots
- 5 Approved seed plots
Conduct trials to collect information on new varieties
- BPS trials new and emerging varieties in commercial sized strip trials
- Data from these trials is shared with SRA and growers through shed meetings and newsletters
Extension and agronomic services
- Conduct grower information meetings at various sites throughout the district
- On ground advice, reporting and liaison with research organisations
- Arrange and conduct tours to view new varieties and innovations both locally and in other districts
- Advice on farming systems management
Soil analysis and nutrient recommendation service
- Collect and submit soils for analysis
- Interpret results
- Prepare, deliver and discuss recommendations
- Maintain database of soil analysis data
- NAA accredited analysis
Irrigation advice
- General irrigation advice
- Scheduling of crop irrigations/irrigation planning
- Water and EC testing
- Pump efficiency
- IrrigWeb